Best of five mcqs for the acute medicine sce
Best of five mcqs for the acute medicine sce
Nigel Lane, Louise Powter, Samir Patel
Best of Five MCQs for the Acute Medicine SCE is a new revision resource designed specifically for this high-stakes exam. Containing over 350 Best of Five multiple choice questions, this dedicated guide will help candidates to prepare successfully.
The content mirrors the SCE in Acute Medicine Blueprint to ensure candidates are fully prepared for all the topics that may appear in the exam. Topics range from how to manage acute problems in cardiology or neurology to managing acute conditions such as poisoning. All answers have full explanations and further reading to ensure high quality self-assessment and quick recognition of areas that require further study.
Publisher:Oxford University Press
ISBN 10:0199680264
ISBN 13:9780199680269
Series:Oxford Higher Specialty Training – Higher Revision
File:PDF, 10.62 MB
IPFS:CID , CID Blake2b