Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care


Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care
Asensio J.A., Trunkey D.D.

Demanding surgical situations require expert advice from pioneers in the field as well as from those on the front lines of trauma care. Practical and evidence-based, Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, 2nd Edition, draws on the experience of Drs. Juan A. Asensio and Donald D. Trunkey to offer a comprehensive, contemporary summary of the treatment and post-operative management of traumatic injuries. The concise format makes it ideally suited for everyday use, and new, full-color illustrations highlight the most important aspects of urgent surgical care, including ventilator management, damage control, noninvasive techniques, imaging, infection control, dealing with mass casualties, and treating injuries induced by chemical and biological agents.

ISBN 10:0323044182
ISBN 13:9780323044189
File:PDF, 49.54 MB

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