Introduction to Robotics in Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
Introduction to Robotics in Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
Mohammed Maan Al-Salihi, R. Shane Tubbs, Ali Ayyad, Tetsuya Goto, Mohammad Maarouf
This book presents a basic introduction of the role of robotics in neurological surgery in a systematic organized manner. The work provides thorough explanations of the history, types, uses, application, current practice, and future directions of robotics in each division of the field of neurosurgery. The book is written in clear understandable language, making it suitable for medical students, interns, residents, specialists, consultants, and professors.
Categories:Medicine – Surgery, Orthopedics
ISBN 10:3030908615
ISBN 13:9783030908614
File:PDF, 6.22 MB