Pediatric Neurosurgery for Clinicians
Pediatric Neurosurgery for Clinicians
Georgios Alexiou, Neofytos Prodromou
This book presents a detailed overview of a spectrum of pediatric neurosurgical conditions. It features detailed insight into the techniques available for examining abnormalities, hemorrhages and a variety of tumors. Relevant surgical methodologies are described in relation to a clinical problem or disorder, ensuring that the reader can systematically develop their knowledge of how to perform both routine and more-obscure procedures presently utilized to treat these conditions. Pediatric Neurosurgery for Clinicians is a comprehensive guide detailing methodologies for applying a range of surgical techniques based upon a range of clinical questions. Therefore, it is a critical resource for all practicing and trainee physicians who encounter children with disorders affecting their neurological systems in disciplines within neurosurgery, neurology, radiology, oncology and pathology.
Categories:Medicine – Pediatrics
ISBN 10:3030805212
ISBN 13:9783030805210
File:PDF, 27.83 MB