Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence


Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence
The Perfect Fit for Autoimmunity
Michael Mahler

Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: The Perfect Fit for Autoimmunity covers background on artificial intelligence (AI), its link to precision medicine (PM), and examples of AI in healthcare, especially autoimmunity. The book highlights future perspectives and potential directions as AI has gained significant attention during the past decade. Autoimmune diseases are complex and heterogeneous conditions, but exciting new developments and implementation tactics surrounding automated systems have enabled the generation of large datasets, making autoimmunity an ideal target for AI and precision medicine.
More and more diagnostic products utilize AI, which is also starting to be supported by regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Knowledge generation by leveraging large datasets including demographic, environmental, clinical and biomarker data has the potential to not only impact the diagnosis of patients, but also disease prediction, prognosis and treatment options.

Categories: Biology and other natural sciences
Publisher:Academic Press
ISBN 10:0128202394
ISBN 13:9780128202395
File:PDF, 20.63 MB
IPFS:CID , CID Blake2b

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